ceylon cinnamon

Ceylon Cinnamon
Who listens to cinnamon, of course, thinks immediately of Christmas, delicious pastries and wonderful fragrance. But Cinnamon is not only an excellent spice for Christmas, but it can support health. Cinnamon is a fat and, on the other, very well suited for diabetics, as it can lower blood glucose levels as well as cholesterol.

Not for nothing was cinnamon almost more valuable than gold. Because with cinnamon not only the Egyptian nobles were embalmed to keep the bubonic plague away, but also in naturopathy, Cinnamon has always been very popular and appreciated.

But cinnamon is not equal to cinnamon and there are some differences. For one, there is cinnamon, which almost everyone knows for the Christmas kitchen and then there is the Ceylon cinnamon, which is even more healthy.

Origin and distribution of Ceylon cinnamon
There are two types of cinnamon, which differ mainly from the origin. While the healthier Ceylon cinnamon originates from Sri Lanka, but is also grown in South India, Brazil or Madagascar, the normal BAUMZIMT comes from Indonesia or Vietnam.

The Ceylon cinnamon, which is actually the bark of the cinnamon shrub, is peeled down. This means that the inner bark of the cinnamon shrub is Ceylon cinnamon and can grow back again and again. After two to three years, the shrub can then be pruned again to obtain the healthy Ceylon cinnamon sticks.

The Zimtbäume, which belong to the laurel plants, can be up to 10 meters high and every two to three years it is possible to win the bark. The bark of the tree is light brown and in thin layers above each other. The leaves are mostly reddish, then green and can be up to 12 cm long. The flower is rather inconspicuous and small and in the color cream. The fruits, however, fall on as they are black and oval and are also very meaty.

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In the production of Ceylon cinnamon sticks, several very fine bark pieces are ineinandergeschoben to create the cinnamon rod. For the cinnamon powder, however, the inner bark of the cinnamon shrub or tree is used. However, the Ceylon cinnamon powder has a very mild taste, as it is equipped with much less essential oils than the BAUMZIMT.

The Ceylon cinnamon, which is cut by shrubs, is of course very fine, wherein it is also different from the usual cinnamon sticks in the trade. The bark rolls through the fine cut, from both sides. The inside of the cinnamon shrub can also be used and you can say that the farther you get inside, the more taste-intensive and even finer the Ceylon cinnamon will be.

Cinnamon also has different flavors. Depending on how it is composed, it can easily taste sweet to spicy. However, cinnamon should not scratch in the neck – this shows a poor quality. The best cinnamon comes from a coastal hem between Madura, Colombo and Negumbo on the southwestern coast of Sri Lanka.

According to a report from the year 1895, the sandy soil as well as rain and the sun hours should influence the cinnamon, which thrives here particularly well.

The bark has been used in numerous complaints for many thousands of years. The cinnamon has been proven by the peoples in particular for complaints about digestion or problems with the gastrointestinal tract. However, even with appetite, cinnamon has always been used.

Ceylon Cinnamon Studies
In particular, a study published in the year 2003 in the Diabetes Care magazine aroused great stir. This study looked at how cinnamon affects diabetes. In the survey, 60 subjects who have been suffering from diabetes type 2 for many years have been selected. The subjects were in treatment, but did not have to inject insulin and could still help with medication.

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In the study, the 60 people were divided into three groups. The first group was given a daily 1 gram of cinnamon, divided into 2 capsules a 500 mg. The second group received 3 grams of cinnamon each day divided into 6 capsules and the third group even received 6 grams of cinnamon per day, which was divided into 12 capsules.

While the first group ever took a cinnamon capsule after the first and last meal of the day, the second and third groups were encouraged to eat the capsules after each main meal.
Of course, the prescribed medications continued to be taken and nothing changed in the overall diet.

Even after 20 days, the third group showed a significantly lower level of blood glucose. After another 20 days, the first and second group had reached this low level of blood glucose, which could be reduced by 18 to 29 percent in all three groups.

This shows that taking cinnamon is not dependent on the dose. Even with small doses, the blood glucose level can be significantly lowered, even if it takes a little longer. But the long-term effects are also not to be forgotten. The positive effect after the completion of the investigation was noticeable even 3 weeks later. Especially the patients with the low Zimtdosis of 1 gram had a very pronounced and positive long-term effect.

At the same time, the study also found that LDL cholesterol levels could be reduced by 10 to 24 percent. The triglycerides were also reduced by 30 percent. The good HDL cholesterol value, however, was not influenced by the cinnamon in any way.

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In another study published 2007, the researchers assume that cinnamon is so good at blood glucose levels, as the gastric drain can be delayed by taking cinnamon.

Thus, the body is not overwhelmed with large amounts of blood glucose and the glucose thus only slowly enters the blood.
Studies have also been carried out on brain performance and Alzheimer’s.

It was found that cinnamon, administered in vitro, not only inhibits the deposits in the brain but can also reduce it at the same time. This is particularly important for brain performance. In this way, old people can improve their mental ability.

But even for the young generation, cinnamon can be beneficial. Because the performance can be improved by cinnamon, which can also be advantageous for exams and exams.

In a study, the participants were asked with cinnamon chewing gum or an ethereal cinnamon to solve various tasks. It was found that the group of Cinnamon Products was able to solve their tasks more effectively and better than the group that received placebos. The Cinnamon Group was able to argue more punchy and solutions for problems could be found faster. In addition, the judgement as well as the ability to concentrate and the memory performance were significantly improved.

Ceylon Cinnamon Side Effects
No side effects have been detected in proper use. However, the Zimtdosis should not be exceeded from 2 to 4 grams per day.
Allergies can occasionally occur, which means that the body should be closely monitored during the first consumption.
Diabetics should also clarify a Ceylon cinnamon intake with their treating physician, since cinnamon significantly affects blood glucose levels.
Furthermore, cinnamon in pregnancy should only be consumed in very small amounts.

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