cooking shiitake mushrooms

Shiitake Recipes
With Shiitake you can conjure up delicious dishes. If you do not wash away the Shiitake mushrooms, but rub them well with a kitchen towel, you will have a very special taste experience. For so purified the Shiitake mushroom tastes better and more aromatic.

The stems of Shiitake are usually used only for soups and sauces, since they can cause side effects, even though they are not toxic.

Shiitake as starter
Shiitake can be used excellently as a starter. If you want to offer your guests something special, you should cut the Shiitake mushrooms into cubes or strips and fry them in some olive oil. Squeeze a clove of garlic over the Shiitake and stir again well in the pan. Sprinkle with herbs and serve with white bread.

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Shiitake sauce
250 g Shiitake Mushrooms
100 ml cream
3 tbsp soy sauce
Some butter
Parmesan, salt and pepper as needed
1. Shiitake plaster and cut into pieces
2. Heat the butter in a frying pan and fry Shiitake hot
3. Shiitake with soy sauce and cream and let it simmer easily
4. Depending on the consistency, melt the parmesan in the sauce and season with salt and pepper.

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Shiitake Omelet
An omelet is not only delicious, but can also be prepared very quickly. Even creativity has no limits. At the base Shiitake omelette the Shiitake mushrooms are cleaned, cut into small pieces and stewed in the pan for about 5 minutes. In the meantime, pitch the eggs, season with salt and pepper and add the Shiitake to the pan.
Sprinkle with chives or herbs and serve.

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Those who eat regularly Shiitake will not only strengthen their immune system, but also do something good for their health. In addition, the mushroom can be used for cooking and does not only give the final touches to Asian dishes. Regularly consumed, Shiitake can prevent many diseases such as cardiovascular ailments, stomach problems or even diabetes. The liver is also strengthened with this unique fungus, since toxins that are absorbed by the environment can be better neutralized.
Regular consumption of Shiitake mushrooms is therefore highly recommended!

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