How to Prevent the risks of Allergies in Children

Science has proved that children with atopy are already susceptible to developing atopic diseases.

Diseases including but not limited to asthma, eczema, rhinoconjunctivitis, neurodermatitis, hay fever, and food allergy.

However, these children are not born as allergy sufferers, the possibility of a child suffering from any of these diseases depends on the family anamnesis.

This is whether any of the parents or other siblings are already allergic or the environment in which the child grows.

If there are potentials that your pregnant wife would deliver a child that’s allergic, then it’s time to start planning to avert this.


How to Reduce the Risk of Allergies?

How to prevent allergies in kids

Smoke-free environment

You need to ensure the baby is not exposed to smoke.

As a smoking parent, this may be difficult but you should refrain from smoking for the good of your child.

The reason for abstaining from smoking is because the nicotine in the cigarette can be transmitted to the baby through your breath and skin contact with your baby.


Don’t get too sensitive about non-allergic foods

Many people believe that allergy-inducing foods such as milk, chicken eggs, fish or nuts should be totally avoided during pregnancy and lactation.

If the mother is not allergic, but withdrawing totally from taking these foods because she’s trying to prevent the baby from being allergic to these foods, she will deny herself of the needed nutrients for the healthy growth of the fetus.


Getting the Baby Breastfed Appropriately

The best food you can give to your baby in their first six months is breast milk, ensure the baby is well lactated as this is also one of the measures to prevent allergy.

Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended in the first four months, irrespective of the nutrition need and the development of the baby.

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Colostrum should be well given to the baby as this milk contains nutrients that can not be found in processed milk.

Breastfeeding the baby fully for four months without supplements is the first step to building the immune system of the baby after birth.

If you’re not able to do exclusive breastfeeding for the baby in the first four months, a tested hydrolyzed infant formula can be recommended for him.

Having said that, you’re advised to discuss this with your doctor to know what’s suitable for your child as part of an individual dietary consultation.

This hydrolyzed baby formula foods already have their protein hydrolytically broken down partially and thus less allergenic.

This will now reduce the sensitivity and help to promote tolerance of such food in the body system, but this should be taken by children whose family has an allergy disposition.


Knowing How and When to give supplements

The way you give food supplements to babies without the risk of allergies when you feel breast milk seems not satisfying them applies to babies with the risk of allergies.

What’s most important here is to breastfeed both categories of babies without any other foods for good four months, thereafter you can start introducing other liquid foods to the baby.


Health benefits of Fish towards preventing allergies

Some recent studies have revealed that when a pregnant woman eats fish during pregnancy and lactation, it has a preventive effect on the development of allergies.

Fish, and vitamin rich meal should be included in the diet plan of both the mother and the child at least once a week as part of the complementary diet.

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Fishes with low-contaminant such as salmon and herring provided they are not from the Baltic Sea or mackerel, sardine are recommended to be consumed.


Taking Probiotics

Most baby food companies produce baby foods that contain these probiotic bacteria which have preventive effects on the development of neurodermatitis.

The immune cells at the digestive tract also contribute to the prevention of atopic diseases, hence the importance of these beneficial microorganisms in their foods.


Possible positive effects of milk fats

Although there’s still need for more research on the health effects of milk fat on allergies, there is link between milk fat and the prevention of atopic diseases.

It is advised that babies under one year of age should take less than 200 ml of full-fat milk, anything more than this can put them at the risk of kidney problem or overweight.


The Roles of Pets

The influence of pets on the development of allergies has become a controversial issue.

Most cats and dogs (most popular pets) shed their furs, and the dander is a big trigger of allergies in both children and adults, however there are hypoallergenic cats and dogs which don’t trigger any risk of allergies in your family.

Therefore, keeping pets, especially dogs and cats are not associated with a higher risk of allergies, it all depends on the sensitization you’ve had.


The Home factor

Scientists have discovered that indoor air pollutants can increase the risk of atopic diseases, especially asthma.

These pollutants include volatile organic compounds such as formaldehyde which can be found in your new furniture and is released during painting home renovation.

Experts have warned that you should not renovate your home when you’ll be expecting babies soon, and to ensure the home is well cleaned and ventilated before bringing the baby in.

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You should make sure that there’s no high humidity and poor ventilation so as not to promote mold growth.


Bodyweight as an influencing factor?

There is evidence that an increased Body Mass Index (BMI) increases the risk of developing asthma.

Therefore, the prevention of infant overweight is also advised in order to reduce the risks of allergy and asthma.

In this respect, a vegetable-rich diet with low energy density should be included in the diet of the baby once he starts taking semi-solid foods.


Avoid Emissions from Automobiles

There is also an increased risk of asthma, neurodermatitis and hay fever for children living in a house that’s close to busy roads where vehicles move regularly.


Ensure your baby takes vaccinations

The government usually gives vaccinations to babies of different categories in order to prevent children diseases, especially the common ones, and those that affect people in later life.

These vaccinations usually start from when the mother is still pregnant when the baby is delivered.

It is very important to allow your baby to participate in this inoculation, to build immunity against diseases.


Maintaining good Hygiene

General hygiene is very much important. clean the home and the external environment regularly, bath your children with soaps and water without fragrance and additives.

Use creams, perfumes and shampoos that are free of fragrances, harmful chemicals, and dyes.



The risks of allergies can be well managed, and children whose parents are allergic can live without the problem if these above-mentioned tips are utilized.

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