Best Food Supplements to Prevent or Manage Asthma

There is no doubt that food supplements have proven very supportive and complimentary in resisting the menace of asthma and some other disorders, says a doctor.

These supplements saved the only son of his neighbour in the days when conventional medication failed them in the hands of their doctor.

Now, having been on those supplements over the years, this particular young boy has built up adequate antioxidant nutrients and asthma attack is forgotten in the family.

He sees him regularly joining his mates to play football without the usual resultant rush to the hospital after the game.

Natural Food supplements that can cure asthma and allergies


Food Supplement for Asthmatic patients

Food supplements may not only compliment conventional medications, they may even support the reduction in the number of medications and hospital visits and admissions.

My list below are by no means prescriptive and at no time should asthma patients stop their medication without the advice of their doctors.

However, these supplements have definitely proven themselves borne out of both scientific and clinical research.

These supplements include:


Organic Lignan Flax Oil

Flax seed and flax seed oil is one of the most potent sources of essential fatty acids (EFAs).

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They are cost effective nutrients for the production of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins, needed by both adults and children who suffer from asthma.

Whether the ground flaxseeds (also very potent to fight prostate and colon cancer) or the flax oil itself.

I advise that you buy the oil extracted from organic lignan flax seed. An alternative to flax oil is primerose oil.


Quercetin for asthma and allergies

Quercetin is a powerful bioflaxonoid that’s very potent against chronic inflammatory changes.

It also has antihistamine effect. Quercetin is made even more potent when it is Combined with vitamin C and Bromelian.


Natural Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a very common, cheap and easily available antioxidant for asthma patient.

It is wise to give a child a tablet of 250-500mg of vitamin C before going out for play. Attacks of asthma can be prevented with regular use of Vit. C

I advise you to choose vitamin C from natural sources.

Ask for ascorbate vitamin C. This is natural vitamin C that contains both bioflavoinoids and minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium and manganese.

Grape Seed Extract

Grape seed extract is by far one of the most potent antioxidants ever known.

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They are 20 times more potent than vitamin C and 50 times more potent than vitamin E.

Grape seed will resist Oxidative Stress effectively.


Other Vitamins for Asthma improvement

Vitamin E and B complexes are needed by asthma patients.

Sometimes, it may be better to get these vitamins in combination with other nutrient in a potent multivitamin food supplement made from natural sources.

Look for something that is specific for children if the patient is a child. Let it be natural and organic.

Synthetic products do not provide the same help. In addition to the complex of vitamin B, I suggest an asthma patient should take regular extra doses of vitamin B6 and B12.

Vitamin D3 should also be part of the content of the multivitamin.



Certain minerals should form a major part of what an asthma patient takes regularly.

Magnesium, and magnesium malate may be the preferred choice here.

Magnesium is commonly found or sold in combination with calcium.

A good supplement will have calcium/magnesium in a 2:1 ratio.


Dimethy Glycine (DMG)

One can not stop mentioning DMG, it has proven itself a versatile nutrient for every one.

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It is an antioxidant, immune enhancer, anti-stress, anti-infammatory nutrient that makes oxygen more available to the tissues. Regular intake is required to see results.


Glucosamine Sulfate

This amino sugar commonly known for its healing effect. It’s actually very important for people with asthma because it regulates mucous secretions of the respiratory system.

It also has other good effects on the digestive system.

Herbal supplements for Asthma

Among the herbs are Ginkgo Biloba, Licorice, Goldenseal, Horsetail, Slippery elm bark and Echinacea.

They are better taken when found in a scientifically formulated product like Mariandina.

Among the natural occurring substances is Methyl Sulfonyl Methane (MSM), which also has anti-nflammatory and anti-allergy properties.

It also controls mucous secretions.

Food supplements could keep asthma at bay, it has been clinically proven and you too can benefit.

However, you should avoid fried food and junk food if you’re asthmatic.

An asthma patient should try to avoid stuffy places and places where smoke has polluted the air.

Carpets and Beddings should be cleaned regularly in such places and after washing, iron the cloths to kill anisms.

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