Chakras and what they Represent in the Body & Benefits on Health

Introduction to Chakras

Chakras are energy centers within the human body that regulate different processes.

There are seven chakras positioned throughout your body, starting from the base of your spine to the crown of the head.

Each chakra has a corresponding organ in the body and a unique vibrational frequency, symbol, color, and governs specific functions of the human body.

The seven chakras are vital for human health.

Any negative emotions hamper the spin of these chakras causing sickness and disease.

The higher chakras which are at the upper body spin quicker than the lower chakras at the lower part of the body.

Western medicine does not support the existence of chakras but many eastern nations and aboriginal people are fully aware of the capability of these chakras.


Interpretation of the Chakras

Some people have claimed that they have felt the spinning of the chakras when they are at the peak of their health.

The chakra colors reflect the different frequencies of light and energy of each center.

The chakra symbols do not have the same meaning in all cultures, however, the universal idea and meanings to the colors of the chakras seem to be consistent.


What are the 7 Chakras?

The seven chakra symbols denote different parts of the human body.


The base or root Chakra represents the last bone in the spinal cord called the coccyx.

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The Sacral Chakra denotes the ovaries or the prostate.

You can balance sacral chakra with the root chakra for meditation, and with Solar Plexus and other chakras for affirmation.

The Solar Plexus Chakra represents the navel area and helps in healing, decision making, and confidence.

The Heart Chakra is located near the center of the chest where the heart resides and it’s also referred to as the guiding chakra.

The Throat Chakra lies near the throat area.

The Brow or Third Eye Chakra represents the pineal gland or third eye.

Lastly, the Crown Chakra represents the top of the head.

Interpretation of body chakras

Meaning of the 7 Chakras


Root Chakra (Red)

The base or root chakra, red in color, is the “foundation” and it resides at the base of the spine.

It is considered that the fight-or-flee instinct resides at this very center.

The Root Chakra denotes the survival and security in the physical world. It is like a warning system for imminent danger.

If the Base Chakra is imbalanced, the person will feel lower back pain, poor circulation, lethargy, and sadness.

Physical activities and consumption of red-colored food create a healthy Base Chakra.


Sacral chakra (Orange)

The Sacral Chakra, which is orange in color, is located near the Spleen or just below the belly button.

This is the center for all emotions which includes those of relationships and socialization.

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In case the Sacral Chakra is not in good shape, symptoms like urinary infections, sexual dysfunction, airborne allergies, addictive lifestyles, and anorexia will show up.

Breathing exercises and warmth of a sauna or hot bath are good for stimulating this Chakra.


Solar Plexus (Yellow)

Yellow is the hue of the Solar Plexus Chakra.

This energy wheel is located just above the navel. This is where all the power lies, which is used for action, comprehension, and self-awareness.

A malfunctioning Solar Plexus Chakra leads to digestion problems, toxins buildup, and poor memory.

It can be strengthened by reading books, taking classes and sunshine.


Heart chakra (Green)

The Heart Chakra, which is green in color, is located in the center of your chest.

This chakra governs love, willpower, kindness, mercy, and self-empowerment.

It also impacts circulation and the immune system.

Any imbalances to this chakra cause conditions like high blood pressure and heart disease.

The imbalance can be negated by love from family and friends.


Throat chakra (Throat)

Blue colored Throat Chakra governs our expressions related to our faith.

It is also known as our trust center and governs our communication. It can sense lies including your own.

Any issue with this center causes neck pain, glandular infections, bleeding gums, laryngitis and severe reactions to hormonal changes.


Eye chakra (Indigo)

Indigo colored Third Eye Chakra is the intuitive center and it influences perception about oneself and everything else.

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An imbalanced Third Eye Chakra results in insomnia, clumsiness, and difficulties with learning new things.

Meditation and wearing indigo-colored clothes help in balancing this Chakra.


Crown chakra (Purple)

The purple-hued crown chakra is located on the top of the head.

This energy center connects a person to the higher Self, and the divine consciousness.

An imbalanced Crown Chakra causes headaches, physical dis-coordination, seizures, and even mental problems.

Doing stimulating tasks which one loves to do and by using healing crystals, one can mend the crown chakra.


Taking care of the Chakras

Your chakras can get blocked with negative energy in the body and it’s therefore important to do chakra meditation often to clear your chakras, open the root chakra again and unblock others.

It does not take long to open your root chakra and stay positive again if you’re consistent with practice but for beginners, it may take a while to activate any chakra, balanced them and reap the benefits.

For experts, they can use crystals to clear all chakras and realign them again without any danger since opening them in a wrong way may come with side effects.

If any of the chakras are open, you’ll know by feeling the effects that are corresponding to the specific chakra.

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