How to use Castor Oil and its Health Benefits

While castor oil is good for cooking, frying, and baking, it is also good as a skin care agent.

It smoothes and moisturizes your skin, and as well protects and promotes collagen production

The skin becomes softer and smoother.

Also, skin lesions of all kinds heal faster when treated with castor oil.

It has anti-inflammatory properties and thus helps with acne and skin irritation.

It can also be used against ringworm and to fasten healing with a wound.

How to use castor oil for healing

How to use Castor Oil for Healing

The oil should be warm and kept warm with a hot water bottle.

For people experiencing itching, burning or discomfort, canola oil is only used in a short period.

Long-term application of this oil is also possible in some cases.

Either you’re ingesting castor oil or applying it on your body for healing, it’s always advisable to seek your doctor’s recommendation on dosage.

Especially when it is used as a laxative or detoxification agent.

In principle, it is advisable to start with a small dose, about 15 ml for adults, and 5 ml for children in order to observe how well it can be tolerated.

You can now increase the dose gradually to up to 60 ml in adults, and 10 ml in children.

To avoid nausea, castor oil should be taken on an empty stomach in the morning.

The taste is not always good and can induce much saliva in your mouth because of the active ingredients in it – acid and glycerine.

You can mix the oil with warm milk or hot coffee and drink to make it taste better.

Cold fruit juice can also work here and alcohol can also be taken to reduce its effect.

Using laxatives too frequently including castor oil can cause an imbalance in your body’s electrolyte and minerals, and leaches more potassium and water.

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This can thus intensify existing digestive problems. Therefore it is advisable to use castor oil for laxative purposes at reasonable intervals.

Also, the more toxins are eliminated, the more strongly the reaction to the castor oil will be. Therefore, taking as a laxative should always start with a small dose.


Quality to look out for in Castor Oil

The seed yield for the extraction of castor oil depends on the climate and the fertility of the plant.

  • The seeds inside the castor fruit contain up to 50% oil
  • Over 20% of proteins.
  • A total of 3% consists of the highly toxic protein – ricin
  • Maximum of 1.5% from the pyridine-alkaloid – Ricinin, which also acts highly toxic
  • A strong allergen which is known as CB-1a.

The toxins and the allergen do not get into the oil during the cold pressing but remain in the press cake.

This, in turn, is heated to destroy the toxic protein structures. Therefore, the residues from the pressure can be safely used as animal feed.

The pure cold-pressed castor oil has triglyceride that’s also known as Triricinolein which is released during the splitting in the digestive tract.

Other glycerine is made from other various fatty acids:

  • Linoleic acid – about 4.2%
  • Oleic acid – 3%
  • Palmitic – 1%

Others in low amounts of stearic acid, dihydroxystearic acid, linolenic, a polyunsaturated fatty acid, and eicosenoic acid, also known as gadoleic acid.

The water content is a maximum of 3%, the percentage of free fatty acids is below 1%.

Impurities are negligible in high-quality castor oil. The actual active ingredient in castor oil is actually the acid, which in turn triggers the already described “chain reaction” in the duodenum.

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Castor Oil Health benefits

  • As Laxative

Among the laxatives, castor oil is still the most well-known and ranks fourth after drugs like Dulcolax or Lefax, Glauber or special teas.

Those who often suffer from constipation or experience fullness can take castor oil exclusively.


  • As Detoxifier

Castor oil plays an important role in detoxifying the body.

Many physicians and naturopaths believe that diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, Green star or Parkinson’s are caused by environmental toxins and heavy metals stored in the body.

Environmental toxins can weaken your immune system and impair your overall health.

In the case of insomnia, depression, digestive problems, cravings or many allergic symptoms, they have been linked to environmental toxins, residues of medications.

Even an infestation with candida fungus or intestinal parasites.

The laxative and detoxifying effects of castor oil are not directly triggered by the ingredients, but by activating certain processes in the body and forming the body’s own substances.

For this, castor oil can be used to detoxify the body without desensitization.


  • Castor Oil and digestion

Like all fats and oils, castor oil is also split into the duodenum.

In the wall of the duodenum, a hormone is formed which enters the bloodstream and from there the pancreas and gall bladder.

The secretion formed allows the digestion and splitting of the oil in fatty and oleic acids and glycerin.

Castor oil helps in the release of natural histamines that move the entire bowel muscles.

In addition, toxins, heavy metals or residues of drugs are deposited in the liver, and into the duodenum.

The acid in this oil prevents the reuptake of these undesirable substances by the wall.

Instead, they are eliminated with the rest of the bowel content.

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In this special fat splitting process, the prostaglandin synthesis is also set in motion.

In both the muscle cells of the intestine and the uterus, G-protein-coupled receptors (EP3) are addressed in this process, so also intestinal musculature or uterine contraction.


Cautions in the use of Castor Oil

Counter-indications in the use of castor oil are bile duct obstruction, gallstones, colitis, certain thyroid diseases and the ingestion of antihistamines.

In all these cases, drastic side effects can occur. Applied in practice and with appropriate care, castor oil, however, has proven to be a laxative even in the treatment of children and has a rather mild effect.

Stronger reactions to castor oil can also depend on which and how many toxins get into the duodenum in the application of liver and gallbladder.

The more toxins to get rid, the more laborious the laxative process.

The prostaglandin synthesis is also dependent on the removal of very specific toxins.

People with sensitive stomachs, pregnant women or persons with severe menstrual bleeding should avoid using castor oil.



Physicians use castor oil as part of labor cocktail in the long-term treatment of intestinal problems or in order to perform targeted detoxification of your body.

As a home remedy, castor oil is particularly suitable for cosmetic purposes. when applied correctly, it is a mild but effective laxative even in children from 10 years.

Castor oil has many good qualities.

  • It Cures skin irritation and skin lesions of all kinds
  • Provides the skin with caring moisture,
  • It is a probate care product for brittle, and dry hair
  • It helps to detoxify the body
  • It relieves one from viral or bacterial infections
  • It helps to prevent gallstones
  • It acts as a mild sleeping agent or antidepressants.

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