Chia Seed Nutrition Data, Uses and Health Benefits

You will really get surprised with the Nutrition data of Chia seeds in this article.

Chia seed contains more nutrients than seeds of most popular vegetables.

It is in this fact that chia is mostly cultivated for the seeds.


How to eat chia seed and the amount of nutrients in it


How to use Chia seeds

With just one tablespoon of chia seeds, you can get 79 calories, 2gram of protein, 6gram carbs, 6gram of fiber and 4.5 grams of fats.

It supplies the body with protein, carbohydrate, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, antioxidants, Omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and other nutrients.

One tablespoon of chia seed contains 0.5 mg of iron, 1100 mg of omega 3 fat, and 350 mg of omega 6 fatty acid.

Chia seed can be eaten in different ways – you can put one or two tablespoon of ground chia seed in a glass cup of water, stir very well and put in the fridge for like 5 to 8 hours.

You can do that at night and leave it overnight in the fridge to get it dissolved and form a gel-like solution.

Fridge is not necessary here but just to keep it cool and safe.

Like many who ask, you can drink chia seed in water, you just have to leave it in water for some hours.

Drinking it immediately is not good as the seed can get struct in your intestines and cause issue.

Another best way is to sprinkle the ground chia seed on your foods like oatmeal or porridge.

You can as well add it to your smoothies or juice.

Either in food or drink, you can take chia seeds in empty stomach in the morning or at night before bed.

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Chia seed can also be added to your keto diet since it’s rich in healthy fats and protein, and has minimal carbohydrates.

The seed absorb much water in your stomach, hence keeping your stomach full while the nutrients are digested slowly.

Due to this, it’s often added to weight loss diet. You will not feel hunger, and your stored energy will naturally depreciate fast.

How much chia seed to eat to lose weight depends on what you want to achieve.

With about two tablespoon of chia seeds in a cup of water per day is enough to give you 9 grams of fiber. This is about 60% below the daily recommended amount.

Taking a cup of such drink with snacks will keep you for long hours. Following such diet for couple of weeks will bring noticeabe changes in your body mass.

How much calorie, protein, iron in chia seeds and how to use for health benefits


Chia Seed Nutritional Value

Some credible facts about the nutrients of Chia seeds

  • Its protein content is higher than that of oats, barley, and wheat
  • It contain twelve times more magnesium than broccoli
  • Chia seed has five times more calcium than milk
  • Much more fiber than Rye bread
  • Two tablespoon of Chia seeds already account for the half day need of vitamin E
  • Chia seed also has 200% of Omega-3 fatty acids content in every 100g of Salmon.

For every 100 gram of chia seeds, these nutrients and their compositions are stated below

  • Proteins – 21 gram
  • Carbohydrates (with 0g of sugar) – 38 to 40 gram
  • Fats – 31 gram (Saturated fat, Monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated in the ratio of 4:3:24 gram)
  • Calories – 486
  • Fiber – 33 gram
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  • Calories

While chia seed is high in fats and moderate in calories, there are no many foods like this.

Many other foods that have high fat content contain too many calories, for example – almonds.

Two tablespoon of Chia seeds for example has half amount of calories in a small glass of milk.


  • Fatty Acids

About 77% of the fatty acids in this seed is made up of Omega-3 fatty acids. It has a large proportion of Omega-3 poly-unsaturated fatty acids.

And this nutrient helps the body in regulating blood pressure, blood lipids and cholesterol.

It also improves the blood circulation and lower the risk of thrombosis.

Omega-3 fatty acids also support the functions of the nervous system and brain.

Chia seeds also contain Omega-6 fatty acids, which is in the ratio 1:3.5 to Omega-3 fatty acids.

This distribution is particularly good to our body since too much of of Omega-6 fatty acids can lead to the development of heart disease.


  • Proteins and Amino acids

The high protein content of the Chia seeds supports muscle growth and physical performance.

In addition, the proteins contain essential amino acids that can not be synthesized in the body.


  • Vitamins (A, B1-B3, E)

The B group vitamins support the metabolic processes in the body as well as the DNA repair process.

They are also involved in the use of the stored energy in the body.

Vitamin E is essential for fat metabolism. It protects and preserves the polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Vitamin A aids the function of the eyes as well as the immune system.

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  • Minerals and trace elements:

Chia seed contains minerals like calcium, copper, phosphorus, iron, manganese, and Magnesium.

These minerals are involved in the proper functioning of our musculoskeletal system.

They support the development of bone tissue.

Calcium and magnesium are important for muscle function, and calcium supports blood clotting.

Iron, manganese and copper are involved in the regeneration of red blood cells, oxygen transport, and functions.

Copper, calcium and magnesium are also essential for the function of the brain and nervous system.


  • Antioxidants

Chia seed is a natural source of antioxidant – Selenium, which helps the body to minimize cell damage caused by free radicals.

Thus, it protects the cells of the skin and slow down the aging process.

Antioxidant in chia seed could also reduce the risks of diabetes.

The antioxidant is responsible for protecting the seed and keeping it healthy for a long time.


  • Fiber

Fiber is a low-energy nutrient. Chia seed is rich in fiber and it plays a positive role in the digestive system. Foods that are rich in fiber reduce the risks of constipation.

Chia seed can lower the bad cholesterol and increase the chyme muscle activity in the gut.




Chia seed contains host of healthy nutrients that your body needs to function optimally, prevent diseases and improve symptoms.

Without filling up your stomach with various foods, you can supply your body with proteins, healthy fats, minerals, vitamins and several other nutrients.

Chia seeds help in detoxifying the body, help maintaining the acid-base balance.


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