Devil’s claw nutrition benefits

Areas of application of the Devil’s Claw
Areas of application with a secure effect (evidence by scientific studies) of the Devil’s Claw:
-to support therapy for degenerative diseases of the locomotor apparatus
-Lumbar spine pain
-Loss of appetite and digestive problems
One of these degenerative joint diseases is osteoarthritis. The cartilage mass in the joint goes back more and more, in the subsequent the joint surfaces rub together and the patient has a very strong pain and the affected joint is only a little agile.

Another of these diseases is rheumatism. Under this term, more than a hundred different inflammatory diseases are combined, which also are accompanied by severe pain. There is a distinction between rheumatic diseases of joints and bones and the so-called soft rheumatism, in which tendons and muscles are affected.

Other areas of application, for example, in folk medicine include: headache, back pain in spondylosis, witch shot, joint pain in Crohn’s disease, neural strategies, polyarthritis, chronic rheumatic diseases, soft rheumatism, tendinitis, ulcers, sores, boils, psoriasis, eczema, kidney weakness, liver and gall disorders.

In South Africa, for example, the root infusion of the devil’s Claw in fever, blood diseases, digestion and appetite stimulation is taken. It should be noted that the Devil’s claw is not suitable for the treatment of acute ailments, as the effect is delayed. Waiting periods of three weeks up to three months are possible.

Ingredients and effects
The secondary root of the devil’s Claw is one of the bitterest herbal remedies. For the extremely bitter taste the contained Iridoidglycoside are responsible: Harpagosides (0.1 to 4.0%), Harpagid, 8-O-P-Cumaroylharpagid, Procumbid, 6 ‘-O-P-Cumaroylprocumbid and Procumbosid. These Iridoidglycoside are also blamed for the pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effect of the devil’s Claw.

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Other ingredients: phytosterols, beta-Sitosterol, Phenylpropanoide such as Acteosid, Isoacteosid, Verbascosid; Triterpenes, flavonoids, unsaturated fatty acids, Kaempferol, cinnamic, chlorogenic, acid, selenium.

As with many other herbal medicines, the devil’s claw root is much more effective than isolated individual substances. In any case, it is advisable to take the total extract or the root powder.

Scientific studies on the efficacy of the devil’s Claw
There are numerous studies on the positive effects of the devil’s claw – especially for the treatment of degenerative joint diseases. Therefore, two more detailed articles are presented at this point:

Prof. Dr. Sigrun Chrubasik of the University of Freiburg reported 2009 in the journal for Phytotherapy that specimens of the devil’s claw root have a similar spectrum of effects to the synthetic-(NSAIDs) and thus represent a very good alternative for the treatment of degenerative joint inflammation and thus chronic pain.
To this end, Prof. Chrubasik and her team conducted both numerous studies themselves and evaluated further studies, all of which prove these outstanding effects of the devil’s Claw.

In this review by N. Mncwangi and his team from the Department for Pharmaceutical Sciences of the Tshwane University in Pretoria, South Africa, the ethnobotanical significance, the phytochemistry and the biological activity of the devil’s Claw are described in more detail. This exceptional plant has, among other things, pain relief, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiepileptic, antidiabetic and antimicrobial effects.

Buy Devil’s Claw: dosage forms
Devil-Claw products can be applied internally and externally, depending on the present complaint picture. Usually the internal application takes the form of tea, capsules, tablets or drops. Ointments, creams, gels and tinctures are also available for external use.

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Devil’s Claw for external use: ointment, gel, balsam, tincture or cream
Applied to joint ailments, tendon inflammation, chronic skin problems (eczema, psoriasis, etc.) and poorly healing wounds.

The active ingredient is absorbed through the skin and thus reaches directly to the body to be treated. The external application is more suitable for light ailments. Cream and gel are easier to apply, better distributable and draw faster than, for example, an ointment. In the balm, the Devil’s Claw is often combined with other herbs, which are supposed to support the effect of the devil’s Claw.

Devil’s claw as tea from dried roots or powder of dried roots
The tea made from dried devil’s claw roots is applied in the event of joint discomfort or digestive problems, as well as gastrointestinal disorders and problems with liver and bile. Tea with Devil’s claw roots often contains other herbs to soften the bitter taste of the devil’s claw somewhat. Also for tea-making, Devil’s claw is available in powder form.

Devil’s Claw as capsules, tablets or drops
Capsules and tablets are the most popular form of ingestion in the Devil’s claw products. They are easy to dispense, taste-neutral and an elaborate preparation such as tea is not necessary. Droplets are even more individually dosed than tablets and capsules, but taste much bitter.

In contrast to tea, these three dosage forms ensure that the active ingredient content is always consistent.
 Devil’s Claw in Homeopathy (globules)
The Devil’s Claw is used here for the treatment of musculoskeletal problems.

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Ideal: Buy Devil’s Claw online
On the internet it is easiest to obtain an overview of the available dosage forms, active ingredient content and dosages and to order the optimal product for the respective application purpose directly. In pharmacies and drugstores, however, very few preparations are usually available, which almost precludes a direct comparability. Store the Devil’s claw cool, dry and protected from light. Before use, it is advisable to consult a doctor or a medical practitioner.

Devil’s claw-dosage and preparation
The Devil’s Claw is usually administered as a infusion or tincture, but some other dosage forms such as capsules, tablets and ointments are also available in trade. Tea is also partly offered in the practical filter bag, which has the advantage of getting a defined quantity, even here – as with capsules etc.

In case of loss of appetite, a median daily dose of 1.5 grams of dried devil’s claw root is recommended; In case of mild pain in joints or backs and in digestive disorders 4.5 grams.

For the preparation of the Devil’s Claw tea, 4.5 g of the powdered or coarsely cut root (approx. one teaspoon) is doused with 300 ml of boiling water and left at room temperature for 8 hours. Before consumption, the broth is poured through a sieve and the tea is drunk over the day in three portions.

The Devil’s Claw is a long-time proven medicinal plant. It has hardly any side effects and its positive effects in the treatment for example in joint diseases speak for themselves. Their bitter substances help in alleviating pain, in the fight against inflammation and in the swelling of the affected joints.

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