Devil’s Claw Side effects, Drug Interactions, Cautions on Health & Disease on Man, Horse & Pets

Devil’s claw (scientific name, Harpagophytum procumbens) is also known to many people in different names; Garra del Diablo in Spanish, Teufelskrallenwurzel in german, Harpagophytum zeyheri, Harpagophyti Radix, Harpagophytum, Grapple Plant, wood spider erc

Devil Claw root herb is a medicinal herb that has been proven medically and those who’ve tested this herb have also given positive testimonials and reviews about its health benefits.

After we’ve discussed the origin, nutrition facts, uses and health benefits in our previous publications, it’s important to also point out some likely side effects of taking devil’s claw by man and animals.

It’s good to also know that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved the use and safety of devil’s claw and there are no regulated standards for the extraction and manufacturing it into drugs but individual scientific studies, not much though and the long-term effects have not been validated, have shown devil’s claw has bad effects on some subjects that are used for studies

Devil’s claw root Side effects are hardly observed when and after taking the root extracts either as concoction or pharmaceutical drugs. Patients rarely suffer from side effects but some noticeable effects as a result of over-dosage and allergy of some patients to devil’s claw extract when taken are

Loss of food taste
Loss of appetite.
Dry throat
Ringing in the ear
Difficulty while breathing
Swelling of your lips, tongue, or face
Nausea and vomiting
Stomach aches,
Skin reactions
Menstrual problems,

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Those who should not take Devil’s Claw (DC) herb
Due to these side effects, people with gastric or irritable bowel syndrome are always advised to avoid or desist from taking the devil’s claw as this may worsen their discomfort.

Patients with gallstones or the tendency to build gallstones are also discouraged from taking devil’s claw by medical experts.

Children who are under the age of 12 are also not advised to take to take devil’s claw drug.

Pregnant women are not advised to take devil’s claw even though there has been any study on whether it can affect the pregnant woman, the foetus or the baby after birth

On a Very rare occasion, probably one in ten thousand patients, there may be hypersensitivity reactions such as hives, rash, facial swelling, circulatory breakdown (shock, anaphylactic shock).

In diabetic patient, devil’s claw can cause a sporadic increase in blood glucose level when you’re taking it, therefore, it’s not safe for patients having diabetes.

devil’s claw can also have side effects on your blood pressure

From studies, devil’s claw can also react in patients with some health conditions, that is the reason it is always important to visit health care centres and medical experts for health problems and when you notice any symptom if you’re on a particular drug.

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As much as herbal remedy is good, you can’t be sure of the adverse effects in some situations. Hence, the need to talk to nutritionist, dietician or medical experts for help even when you have dosage instruction on the drug package, its still very essential to talk to your doctor, people who understand your health record and understand the effects of the each component in the drug on your health status.

Patients in the following categories should also be careful with taking devil’s claw products.

Cancer patients
Patients with infections like HIV
asthmatic patients
Mentally disturbed patients
Patients with erectile problem
Patients with heart diseases
Patients suffering from high blood pressure, headache and high cholesterol
Patients suffering from tuberculosis
duodenal ulcer patients
Arthritic patients
Patients suffering from convulsion or related disorders

The Devil’s Claw should only be taken with due consultation with your doctor. In case of prolonged or highly dosed use of Devil’s claw preparations, the increased bleeding tendency should be observed.

There are some drugs that could interact with the ingestion of devil’s claw herb and caution has been given when we contacted other doctors. Some people have asked me in online forum if devil’s claw can be taken with ibuprofen or tramadol, you should consult your doctor on these and seek advice before any medication.

Some patients have also reported that Devil’s claw do interact with some heart stomach acid drugs drugs, anticoagulants and painkiller drugs. These we even suspected since devil’s claw increase the stomach acidity of horses. However, using the recommended dose as suggested by the manufacturer or your physician is good and a total dose of 3,000 mg of devil’s claw herb or root capsule daily is enough.

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As adult, you can take 1,000mg each in the morning, afternoon and night before sleep and younger ones or elderly can take lesser dose

Devil’s Claw Side effect on Animals like Dogs, Cats and Dogs
Devil’s claw has been advised not to be used for a longer period of time, probably because of the experiences when used on animals like horses, dogs and cats

Devily Claw is much likely going to have side effects and cause liver damage if used for too long.

Devil’s Claw is also likely going to cause irritation in horses that are suffering from stomach ulcer, increase stomach acidity and can lead to stomach problem of the horse in the long run.

Devil’s Claw side effect on arthritic horses and dogs is the tendency to cause leaky gut syndrome, affect the joints of the animal badly and worsen the arthritis.

Also, it may damage the liver of the animal when used for a long time and the patient can become addicted to it, be it man or animal

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