Propolis List of uses and health benefits

Propolis, also known as bee resin, use the bees to protect the hive and itself. They use it like KITT, why it is also called Propolis. Propolis protects against intruders and also pathogens. As the bees Protect, it can also protect people against germs and inflammation.

Therefore Propolis is particularly important in pharmacy.
Numerous studies have shown that Propolis is the strongest natural antibiotic, which in turn shows that it should not be absent in any household.

What is Propolis?
In the Unwrought, Propolis is a yellow-brown to Black Mass, which is extremely sticky. The bee resin can not only taste sweet but also bitter, depending on where it comes from. However, it is also sharp, which, however, is not a problem in the numerous dosage forms, if you want to buy propolis. Thus, it is not necessary to consume the resin, but it can be used on capsules and tablets.

In the beehives of the Western Honey bee (APIs mellifera), which is one of the states-visual insects, there is an air humidity of about 40 percent and a constant temperature of 35 degrees.

This temperature is necessary because bees need a body temperature of 35 degrees to be able to fly. In a beehive live between 5,000 and 50,000 animals, at such a close and the climate, this is of course the best breeding ground for germs and pathogens.

In order to reduce the risk, bees use the valuable propolis they produce. Thus they seal the smallest intake openings and also use it to contain fungi, harmful germs as well as bacteria not only in the development, but also in the distribution.

Therefore, they cover the inside of the honeycomb cells with a thin layer of propolis, so that the survival is secured and the brood could thrive so excellently. With this Propolisschicht, pathogens have virtually no chance of penetrating the honeycombs.

However, even if a foreign body is located on the Beehive, which you cannot remove yourself, the bees use the excellent propolis. So, for example, when a mouse enters the hive. Even if the bees immediately stab and extinguish the life of the mouse, they still have the problem that they cannot remove the dead body of the rodent. To protect the bees from pathogens, use propolis and smear the mouse with this precious bee resin.

The formation of Propolis
With a bee colony, each bee has its own task. Therefore, there are also bees that are exclusively responsible for the production of Propolis. If it is warm enough between 10 and 16 o’clock, the “propolis bees” leave the hive to collect the resin and make it supple. The propolis consists of herbs and the resin of, for example,

In particular, the Poplar is used to extract propolis. The buds of the poplar also smell similar to propolis and are also suitable for healing purposes. However, Propolis is more intense, as it is also enriched with the gland secretion of the bees. In order to produce the valuable propolis, the bees tear down small resin crumbs from the buds of the Poplar and fly back into the hive.

The other bees then help to process the propolis and add bee saliva, Pollenöl and beeswax to the collected resin. After that, the whole thing is chewed well and becomes propolis. The extraordinary thing is, however, the amount that a beehive produces per year. Depending on the size of the bee people, 500 grams of propolis can actually be produced. This is amazing for these little critters, but considering that you collect 10 grams of resin per excursion, that can be redone.

History and production of Propolis
How and when people have become aware of this extraordinary remedy of the bees – propolis – cannot really be said exactly. But it is certain that the Incas already used propolis to cure feverish infections. Also Hippocrates used propolis and treated ulcers with it. Likewise, in purulent skin lesions of Aristotle the unique Propolis was decreed. Even in the Roman Empire, Propolis was used to treat war-related wound injuries. Even with the dead propolis was used and the body of Tutankhamun was embalmed with this bee resin.

40 Customer reviews
Natural skin care from the Beehive
To care for sensitive skin, skin irritation, dry, rough or chapped skin and brittle lips
The effect of propolis is supplemented by the caring and relaxing properties of chamomile and sage.
Promotes the natural renewal of skin cells and soothes irritated skin
To prevent skin blemishes such as pimples or blackheads.
Natural skin care from the hive. For the sensitive skin.
For skin irritation, dry, rough or chapped skin and for the care of brittle lips.
Customer reviews
The natural bee Propolis from Fairvital is rich in polyphenols, flavonoids and Procyanidinen and can thus strengthen the body’s immune system. In addition, the bee resin is awarded an antioxidant property, which helps to protect cells and tissues.

Even in antiquity, Propolis was used as a means of strengthening the immune system and inhibiting undesirable micro-organisms. However, these positive properties have also been demonstrated by numerous scientific studies. Bees use the propolis to both seal and disinfect their construction. It helps you to inhibit or kill the development of bacteria and fungi.

Fairvital Bee Propolis A 4-fold concentrated powder, which is lactose, fructose, gluten free, gelatine, Hefefrei.
Product Safety: The Bees propolis capsules of Fairvital have a long shelf life and maintain their potency longer than liquids or powder. They are hermetically sealed in the can under the lid by means of a plastic-coated aluminium seal. This guarantees purity and freshness of the vital substances as well as the protection against oxidation.

Products without a seal or only with a cardboard in the lid are not airtight and therefore limited in durability
Made in Germany: The Fairvital Bee Propolis is produced in Germany according to stringent quality standards in accordance with all food law regulations. We produce quality assurance measures according to GMP and HACCP. All raw materials are analyzed for pesticides and heavy metals. No ingredients are used that go beyond the list of specified ingredients. Fairvital has been standing for over 10 years for high quality and innovative products

The ingredients of Propolis
The ingredients of propolis are numerous and researchers are discovering more and more substances that are contained in this precious tree. Because he’s not just from tree. Depending on the resin from which the propolis originated, the ingredients may differ slightly. However, the ingredients are very similar, no matter where the resin was collected. The following list therefore contains only approximate values and only the most important ingredients are listed:
50 percent resins
30 percent Bee Wax
10 percent essential Oils
5 percent of pollen
3 percent organic substances
Propolis also contains about 2 percent mineral substances and trace elements such as iron, vitamins A, B1, B3, E and H, as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium, souls, zinc and manganese. Amino acids, enzymes and flavonoids are also included.
It is astonishing in what combination the ingredients of the propolis are contained, as these can not be produced by humans. In particular, the flavonoids, i.e. the secondary plant substances, are attributed a curative effect, as well as copper, silicon and zinc. In Propolis, about 150 to 200 contain ingredients that are extremely effective in this combination. The colour palette of the Propolis can range from tan to black, as it always depends on which tree the resin was collected from.
The Propolis effect
Propolis can help with innumerable ailments, which is due to the multitude of ingredients. The bee resin not only acts as a pain-quenching and detoxifying, it also has an antibacterial, antifungal and antiallergic effect. In particular, a focus is placed on the antibiotic effect, since propolis is the strongest antibiotic in nature. The advantage of this is, however, that the pathogens are not resistant, as is often the case with chemical antibiotics. Furthermore, propolis also acts against viruses and fungi. Thus, Propolis is an effective agent against pathogens of any kind.
The flavonoids, as well as other substances in the propolis, are decisively involved in the fact that the bee resin has an antibiotic effect. Furthermore, the vitamins, essential oils as well as the trace elements support the healing processes in the body and thus not only pathogens are killed, but the body, through the other ingredients, is practically repaired again. This shows that Propolis is a true allround talent for numerous illnesses.
The use of Propolis
Propolis can relieve or cure countless ailments and illnesses. The range of application possibilities is so great that it includes a very long list. For example, Propolis can be taken internally in Streptococcus or staph. On the outside, the bee resin affects herpes, sunburn, wound treatment, foot fungus as well as abscesses, migraines or allergies, i.e. as a strengthening of the immune system.
The application areas cover all diseases and complaints caused by fungi, bacteria or viruses. Propolis also reduces harmful substances in the body and thus helps detoxify the body. Blood circulation is also promoted and the immune system strengthened, which in turn causes the self-healing power to gain energy and the body is again able to heal itself.
Propolis can be used externally in these ailments to help:
Abscesses are purulent inflammation under the skin as well as inside the body. Especially with larger abscesses it is very dangerous, because an abscess can also quickly lead to a blood poisoning. Especially boils are particularly common abscesses. It can help to apply a propolis cream, ointment or tincture. (Propolis recipes can be found here.)
Acne, pimples and impure skin:
Acne or pimples occur not only in puberty. Older people can also suffer from acne and pimple formation. Acne not only leaves scars, but also the skin is not beautiful and can significantly impair the feeling of life. To proceed with propolis against acne and pimples, a diluted propolis tincture can be applied. Ointments or creams with propolis should be dispensed with, as the fat contained therein would be rather counterproductive.
Conjunctival inflammation:
Through draught, infections or overexertion, painful infections can form on the eyes. In this case, eye drops can help, which are moisturizing, or propolis can relieve inflammation. However, the tincture of propolis should not be dripped directly into the eyes, as it is too spicy and the eyes would be even more irritating. The Propolis tincture can be given on a compress, which is then placed on the closed eye.
Thorn warts:
Thorn warts usually occur on the sole of the foot and are extremely painful. Moreover, they are very stubborn and barely disappeared, they are already back. A treatment of Thorn warts therefore requires a lot of patience and the application should be continued, even if the thorn warts have already disappeared. It is suitable for pure propolis or to be applied as a tincture to treat the warts efficiently.
Eczema, such as Neurodermatitis, is an inflammatory skin disorder that is usually chronic. There is often also an additional bacterial infection of the skin. can be treated eczema with propolis cream or propolis ointment.
Barley Grain:
A barley grain can also be treated with propolis. This inflammation of the eyelid often results in a small white and purulent knot that is similar to a pimple. In this case, a compress with propolis tincture as well as ointments and creams with propolis can quickly fade the discomfort.
A shingles is a second disease of the chickenpox infection. Therefore, a doctor should be consulted immediately if there is such suspicion. To cure the shingles in combination with the prescribed medications, propolis can provide ointment or propolis cream relief.
Hemorrhoids are not only painful, they can also interfere with sitting. These itchy vascular padding enlargements in the intestinal output are exacerbated when the patient suffers from constipation. To relieve the discomfort and to contain the hemorrhoids can be applied a propolis tincture as well as an extract. Ointments and creams with propolis can also provide relief.
Skin or athlete’s foot:
Propolis has a very good effect on fungal traces and can thus act as a real miracle for athlete’s foot. The itch disappears and skin can be regenerated quickly. Tinctures, creams or ointments with propolis can quickly contain and heal the athlete’s foot.
Herpes is a virus that is hidden in the nerves and as soon as stress or overload occurs, the herpes virus is activated. These bubbles on the lips or other sensitive body parts are not only very painful, but also associated with itching. To remedy this quickly, propolis creams or propolis ointments are excellent and should be applied directly at the first signs.
Customer reviews
Natural skin care from the Beehive
To care for sensitive skin, skin irritation, dry, rough or chapped skin and brittle lips
The effect of propolis is supplemented by the caring and relaxing properties of chamomile and sage.
Promotes the natural renewal of skin cells and soothes irritated skin
To prevent skin blemishes such as pimples or blackheads.
Natural skin care from the hive. For the sensitive skin.
For skin irritation, dry, rough or chapped skin and for the care of brittle lips.
The natural bee Propolis from Fairvital is rich in polyphenols, flavonoids and Procyanidinen and can thus strengthen the body’s immune system. In addition, the bee resin is awarded an antioxidant property, which helps to protect cells and tissues.
Even in antiquity, Propolis was used as a means of strengthening the immune system and inhibiting undesirable micro-organisms. However, these positive properties have also been demonstrated by numerous scientific studies. Bees use the propolis to both seal and disinfect their construction. It helps you to inhibit or kill the development of bacteria and fungi.
Fairvital Bee Propolis A 4-fold concentrated powder, which is lactose, fructose, gluten free, gelatine, Hefefrei.
Product Safety: The Bees propolis capsules of Fairvital have a long shelf life and maintain their potency longer than liquids or powder. They are hermetically sealed in the can under the lid by means of a plastic-coated aluminium seal. This guarantees purity and freshness of the vital substances as well as the protection against oxidation. Products without a seal or only with a cardboard in the lid are not airtight and therefore limited in durability
Made in Germany: The Fairvital Bee Propolis is produced in Germany according to stringent quality standards in accordance with all food law regulations. We produce quality assurance measures according to GMP and HACCP. All raw materials are analyzed for pesticides and heavy metals. No ingredients are used that go beyond the list of specified ingredients. Fairvital has been standing for over 10 years for high quality and innovative products
Witch Shot:
Sudden back pains associated with “immobility” usually indicate a witch’s shot. These are often particularly painful. Here, envelopes can help with a propolis ointment. It is important that the affected body is kept warm so that the muscles can loosen up again.
However, if there are any signs of paralysis in a witch shot, a doctor should be consulted immediately.
Chicken Eyes:
Chicken eyes are pressure points at the foot, which can be very painful. Therefore, it is advisable to give a plaster with a few drops of propolis tincture to the chicken eye already at the first complaints. It is best to apply the plaster overnight until the chicken eye has disappeared.
Pregnant women often have problems with sciatica. The pain goes down from the back to the leg and back pain is not a rarity. By pinching a nerve in the spine or by irritating this nerve, these pains occur and can also relieve in addition to heat through envelopes with Propolis ointment.

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Itching can cause a variety of causes. These include, for example, dry skin, allergies, diabetes, parasite infestation or other causes, which must of course be clarified first. Because just here, a treatment of the cause is more effective than to start a pure symptom control. However, with propolis cream or propolis ointment can soothe the skin and make the itching work.
For example, in a hive, which also hives on the skin, which are not only painful, but also itching, can help a propolis tincture. This should be applied several times a day to the affected skin spots.
In the case of bruising, i.e. blunt injuries, there are usually no open wounds on but bruises. It depends on the severity of the bruising, because here too the general condition may be impaired and movements can be made more difficult. To relieve the bruising, the affected area can be rubbed with propolis ointment or cream.
Bursitis Inflammation:
The cushioned part of the joint is called a slime bag. This slime bag can be ignited in particular by overloading, but also by injuries. In this process an envelope with the propolis tincture or the applying of propolis cream or ointment can be alleviated.
Tendons tendonitis or elbow:
Both complaints are usually caused by overloading. In order to achieve relief and rapid healing, envelopes should be placed with the Propolis tincture or the affected areas may be rubbed with propolis ointment or cream.
Sunburn or general Burns:
In the event of sunburn or burns, the skin is damaged. Propolis, on the other hand, has a new effect on Zeller and therefore the affected areas should be rubbed with a propolis ointment or cream, immediately after combustion.
Wounds are open injuries and can be caused by accidents as well as by illnesses. Since Propolis acts as antibiotic and antibacterial, it is a helpful remedy for wound care. It protects the wound and prevents the penetration of further germs as well as the propagation of existing germs. Propolis also stimulates cell growth, which is inevitable for a recovery process. To protect the skin and to bring relief the propolis tincture should be applied.
Internal application of Propolis:
Defensive Strengths:
A well-functioning immune system is the A and O. Only in this way do diseases have no chance. But even if a cold is already on the rise, propolis can be supportive and strengthen the immune system again. For this, propolis can be taken as tincture, capsules or also in tablet form.
More and more people are suffering from allergies. In particular, hay fever, which can occur for the first time even in advanced age, severely affects the general condition. With Propolis, the discomfort can be alleviated well. Propolis capsules or a propolis tincture that is taken can produce amazing results.

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Angina is often caused by bacteria. There may be serious illnesses associated with fever. In order to prevent an overarching of the heart, something should be done about it immediately. It is ideal to suck propolis candies, gargle with a diluted tincture or drink them and take propolis capsules several times a day.

If the blood vessels are narrowed and inelastic, one speaks of arteriosclerosis. It usually occurs in older people and leads, among other things, to circulatory disorders. These can then lead to a heart attack or a sleep attack. For this reason, atherosclerosis should be prevented at an early stage and prevented from advancing. On the one, the bee resin can be chewed or the diluted tincture drunk. Alternatively Propolis capsule can be taken several times a day.
Asthma or bronchitis:
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the bronchi. People who suffer from bronchitis should do something as soon as possible, so that bronchitis do not become chronic. Those who regularly take propolis products, such as capsules, tablets, powders or a diluted tincture, can significantly alleviate the discomfort. Because propolis stimulates the body for self-healing, strengthens the immune system and helps to alleviate the disease.
Bloating could occur if certain foods are not tolerated. But even if the food was very fiber-rich, it can happen that gases are formed in the intestines. It may well happen that the bloating is associated with cramps and can be very painful. Remedy here can be the ingestion of a diluted propolis tincture. But also the propolis powder taken with honey is a helpful remedy. Those who suffer from bloating more often should take propolis capsules several times a day.
Bladder inflammation:
Bacteria cause bladder infections that can spread to the kidneys. As a result, kidney pelvic inflammation can be very dangerous. In addition, bladder infections can also become chronic very quickly, which means that propolis products such as capsules or a tincture should be taken in the first signs.

High blood pressure is usually hereditary, and that it is so dangerous, therefore, that there are hardly any symptoms. In a healthy way of life as well as the ingestion of propolis capsules, tincture or powder, blood pressure can be kept in balance.

bacteria, viruses and germs play a major role in cold diseases. Propolis is a helpful tool because it can fight bacteria, viruses and germs. For this reason, at the first signs of a cold capsules should be taken with propolis or the tincture to inhibit and kill the growth of the pests.

Gall complaints:
After fat-rich food, the liver may not produce enough bile juice for fat digestion. When taking propolis, bile can be prevented, as propolis stimulates the digestive fluids. Also capsules with propolis or the ingestion of the tincture can remedy.

Joint inflammation:
Rheumatism, gout or even osteoarthritis are inflammatory joint diseases which are usually chronic. To reduce the symptoms and discomfort, propolis capsules, tablets or the tincture can be taken. Furthermore, the aching joints should be treated with a propolis envelope.

Gastrointestinal discomfort:
Light gastrointestinal infections can also be treated with propolis capsules. However, in case of bad cases, no self-treatment should be done and a doctor should be consulted. Especially in the case of severe diarrhea, a strong loss of fluid can occur, which must be treated with medical treatment.
Migraine is a neurological disorder, but propolis can also lead to improvement here. This is due to the fact that Propolis capsules, tablets or even the tincture can improve the blood circulation and thus significantly disturb a migraine attack.
Menstrual problems/
During menstruation, many women have strong abdominal cramps, migraines or even chest pains. For ease, the propolis tincture as well as the Propolis capsules can provide, if these are taken a few days before regularly.
Women in menopause often have a wide variety of ailments. From hot flashes to headaches to moodiness and other symptoms, the body shows that the hormonal change is taking place and that it responds with these ailments. To alleviate the discomfort, a diluted tincture can be taken. But also propolis capsules can reduce the symptoms.
Middle ear Infections:
Bacteria play a major role in a middle ear infection. Since this inflammation usually occurs in children, propolis is very well suited for treatment. However, a tincture should also be dispensed with in children, as this is a high-percent alcohol. It is better to resort to the capsules or the powder.
Propolis and its dosage forms
Propolis can be used in different dosage forms for external and internal application. Nevertheless, it can still be used as a pure resin, even though these times are long gone. In the meantime, the propolis can be obtained in its purest form, the tincture, as well as capsules, tablets, creams and ointments. Of course, it always depends on the problem for which the propolis is to be bought.
Propolis Tincture:
With the propolis tincture, the resin is dissolved in high-percentage alcohol. It depends on the strength of the alcohol, whether the resin dissolves completely or only partially. The tincture is the purest form of the dosage form, but should only be applied wisely. It can be used precisely on the affected areas. Internally, the tincture is diluted.
Propolis Cream:
The Propolis cream can be used in different ailments, such as eczema, fungi or wounds. However, this can also be used for daily body care.
Propolis Ointment:
An ointment is in contrast to a cream containing fatty and can be spread well on the skin. Therefore, it is often used for wound treatment as well as eczema. Propolis can penetrate perfectly into the skin and thus allow the wonderful active ingredients to undergo, so that the healing process can use where the cause lies.
Propolis Powder:
In particular, the propolis powder is very diverse and can, for example, be stirred in yogurt to consume it and to apply internally. Furthermore, mashed envelopes can be made with warm water, which in turn can be applied externally. However, the propolis powder is expected to form sticky lumps very quickly, which could make treatment considerably more difficult.
Propolis tablets and Propolis capsules:
For internal use, Propolis capsules and propolis tablets are very well suited. Tablets and capsules are ideal for the treatment of gastric mucosal infections as well as for urinary tract infections. The Propolis powder is processed and pressed in tablet form or filled in gelatin capsules. However, it is important to pay attention to additives in the capsules if there is an allergy.
Propolis Spray:
For treatment in the mouth and throat area, the Propolis spray is ideal. Because with only one spray the propolis can come into the last corners and act like this.
Dosage and ingestion of propolis
The dosage always depends on the symptoms for which propolis is taken. In addition, the dosage form is also an important factor. As with all natural remedies, however, there can also be an allergenic effect here and therefore the first dose should be started with a very low dosage, even if it is indicated differently on the packaging.
A daily dosage of the tincture is assumed by one drop per kilogram of body weight. However, this dose should be spread over several doses (3 to 4) a day.
Creams or ointments with propolis, on the other hand, should, of course, be tested for skin compatibility during the first application. To do this, a healthy skin area should be rubbed with a little cream or ointment to see if an allergic skin reaction occurs.
Scientific studies on Propolis
Numerous scientific studies have already been carried out on propolis, all of which prove that Propolis is an excellent remedy for a wide variety of ailments. It can be used not only to relieve, but also to accelerate wound healing. However, Propolis can also be used to strengthen the immune system and make sure that it works properly again and therefore has almost no chance of disease.
Already in 1980 a study was conducted under the direction of Prof. Dr. Chauvin at the Sorbonne University in Paris, which should prove the effect of propolis on hay fever. Patients with hay fever were given a dose of 8 capsules per day. After a week, patients were free of complaints until the end of the hay fever period. The following year, these patients received a dose that was much lower and the astonishing thing was that after that, all patients had no more hay fever.
A study was also carried out with patients suffering from hypertension. With Propolis, which has already been studied in numerous studies, high blood pressure was significantly reduced.
Furthermore, there have already been a large number of studies dealing with wound healing and propolis. It has also been examined in detail what effect propolis has on the immune system. It has been found that the tree has a protection against skin and mucous membranes and even has a antifungal and antibacterial effect. In addition, Propolis offers an antioxidant effect, which is therefore also a protection against free radicals. Therefore, experts assume that propolis could even prevent tumor formation. The Phenethyl Ester (CAPE) contained in propolis inhibits the activation of tumors, which was documented in this study.
A Polish research team conducted a study with 56 patients who suffered from an open leg (ulcer cruris). 28 patients were treated with a propolis ointment with 7 percent and the other group received other medications. It was found that the healing process of the Propolis group was much faster than that of the control group. After 6 weeks, no patient was left with an open leg in Propolis group. In the control group, however, the healing lasted 16 weeks.
An equally important success in the studies is that carried has been able to prove that propolis can also act in relation to oxidative stress. This showed that a cancer patient who was removed from the stomach had to suffer from loss of appetite. In the first week of each day, the patient received 5 Propolis tablets for 12 weeks each day, six propolis tablets. The patient’s appetite improves significantly and the F (HMA) value increased. This shows that Propolis has to be further investigated, as it has already been proven in this research that Propolis has a positive effect on oxidative stress in cancers.
A study has continued to prove that propolis can support inflammatory processes. In patients with bronchial asthma, it could be demonstrated that the group treated with Propolis has to have much less coughing and the pulmonary function has also been significantly improved. There were also fewer inflammatory parameters in the blood.
Even women who suffered from a stubborn vaginal inflammation and where conventional remedies no longer struck could benefit from a treatment with a propolis vaginal rinse. At 87 percent of women’s complaints improved.
Furthermore, a study has shown that Propolis has almost the same effect as a Cortisonmedikament used in joint inflammation when the inflammation is caused by bacteria.
Similarly, gastric ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori could be reduced by propolis.
Also in a study, in which children also participated, it was found that colds could be reduced. The test subjects were perfectly healthy and were preemptively given propolis. It was found that in the Propolis group 55 percent fewer infections than in the other group.
Propolis can be used to many ailments to alleviate and heal. Scientists are still investigating and researching to prove the numerous positive properties of propolis.
Further studies can be found under
Buy Propolis
When buying propolis, some things should be taken into consideration. Depending on the dosage form, it can be purchased either directly from the beekeeper, from the reform house, in pharmacies or from an online retailer. However, especially when buying online, it is advisable to pay attention to an appropriate bee-keeping, as otherwise pesticides or other substances might fall into the propolis. For this reason, the purchase of Propolis should be paid attention to a trustworthy online retailer, who can also provide a corresponding certificate for an appropriate beekeeping. This is the only way to rely on the excellent ingredients and the unique effect of the purchase of Propolis.
Our recommendation
Those who want to buy Propolis have a true allrounder at home with this bee resin. Of course, it always depends on the complaints that are to be dealt with. Tablets and capsules with Propolis are excellent for prevention. But the tincture is also an extraordinary means to use it internally (diluted with water) or externally. The powder may also be stirred in yogurt or the tincture can be lubricated on the honey. Depending on taste and need, propolis is unbeatable and should not be missing in any household.
Propolis can also be used in children and free them from middle ear infections or other ailments. However, here is to dispense with the gift of a diluted tincture, as this contains alcohol. Better are capsules or tablets or the powder, which can be stirred in yogurt and cereals.
Also for prevention, Propolis is a true all-rounder and can not only prevent infections, such as colds, even with an existing bronchitis, propolis can treat the ailments linden. If you want to do good for yourself and your family, you should not miss the all-round propolis!

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