What is Xanax (Alprazolam) Used for?

Alprazolam Drug

Xanax is a drug that’s commonly referred to as benzodiazepine and it’s used for the symptomatic treatment of anxiety.


Xanax is generally used for its calming effects, hence, it’s usually used to fight anxiety disorders that are in the chronic stage or when the patient is suffering from symptoms of anxiety or when the anxiety has triggered many other illnesses.

Xanax works on the brain receptors for gamma-amino-butyric acid (GABA).

This acid is a neurotransmitter that has a depressant effect on your central nervous system (CNS), resulting in calming and anti-anxiety properties.

In addition to their anxiolytic effects, the active ingredient in Xanax and other benzodiazepines also have sedative, hypnotic, muscle-relaxing, and anticonvulsant properties.



Where to buy Xanax

Xanax is a stress reliever and it’s commonly sold in pharmacies or health stores.

While you can get Xanax over the counter from street dealers, prescription notes will often be required.

Xanax is approved to be sold as an over-the-counter drug in the US as long as the pharmacy store is reputable and licensed.

Xanax can be easily gotten but the fear of buying a fake drug should be in the heart of those who want to get this anti-depressant.

If you can not purchase Xanax from any local drug store near you, you can buy it from any legitimate health store in the US, you don’t need to visit their physical store as you can order online from their site or through their official app.

Most reputable drug stores, both physical stores and online stores would require you to tender your prescription note scan it, and upload it for a check before your order can be completed and processed.

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Some Xanax sellers will even make a call to verify the prescription and ensure it’s legitimate before your order can be processed and the drug shipped to you. This is because people are often addicted to it and it can be easily abused.


Alprazolam Drug under Xanax brand effects

How Xanax works

Firstly, you’re advised not to take Xanax unless it’s prescribed by your physician.

Once you take Xanax, it gets absorbed into your bloodstream quickly since the oral bioavailability is about 80%.

You’ll have maximum plasma concentrations between 1 to 2 hours after you’ve taken Xanax in oral form.

After a single dose, the plasma levels are directly proportional to the dose that was administered. Xanax is 70% bound to serum proteins.

The main metabolites that will be released into your urine after metabolism are α-hydroxy alprazolam and a benzophenone derivative.



How to use Xanax

As I advised earlier, you need to discuss this with your physician before taking Xanax.

The dosage of Xanax depends on the stage of the illness, the severity of the symptoms, and the patient’s response to the illness.

Children are not advised to take Xanax. safety and efficacy of alprazolam in children and adolescents under 18 years of age has not been established, its use is not recommended.

For adults, the starting dose is 0.25-0.5 mg which the patient should take three times a day.

If after one week, there’s no improvement in the symptoms, your doctor may suggest you increase the dose.

You’ll have to first increase the dose you take in the evening before you increase your morning and afternoon doses.

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The most recommended dose is 0.5 mg to 4 mg maximum per day. You can then take 1mg of Xanax four times for example.

For patients who are a senior or people with kidney or liver disease, they should start with a dose of 0.25 mg which should be taken twice or three times daily.

After a couple of days, they may increase the dose to let’s say 1.5 mg Xanax should be taken three times daily.

This category of patients should not take more than 1.5 mg of Xanax per day.

In some cases, if the patient’s condition is critical and living with impaired kidney or liver, your doctor may limit the maximum dosage to just 0.75 mg per day which should be spread at least three times daily.

Also, if an alcohol-dependent patient or person who has not taken psychotropic drugs before has to take Xanax, they should start from a lower dose.

The duration of treatment with Xanax should also not exceed three months.

In some cases especially if there are no side effects experienced, longer treatment may be necessary and the patient’s condition should be reevaluated before continuing the treatment.

The need for treating anxiety and depression with Xanax and the appropriate dosage should be checked regularly in each patient.

Should there be effects, the dose should be reduced immediately, and if the I’ll effects continue, administration of Xanax should be stopped.

For treatment withdrawal, it should be done gradually. The daily dose of Xanax should be reduced to a maximum of 0.5 mg every 3 days.

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If necessary, discontinuation can be done with even 0.5 mg intake once a week in some patients.


Possible side effects

There are side effects of taking Xanax; ranging from mild to severe symptoms.

The most common side effects of taking Xanax are frequent sleep, loss of appetite, depression, ataxia, dizziness, poor concentration and focus, constipation, blurred vision, asthenia, and nausea.

Some other side effects that are not commonly experienced are Hyperprolactinemia, fear, amnesia, Hallucinations, nervousness, Dystonia, Vomiting, Musculoskeletal weakness, Incontinence, Increase in intraocular pressure, urinary retention, sexual dysfunction, and Menstrual irregularities


Drugs you should not use with Xanax

Another reason you should not self-medicate with Xanax is the possible interaction with other drugs you use.

Alcohol should not be taken when you’re treating an illness with Xanax

Also, drugs that could lead to impairment of the respiratory organs such as B. Opioids should be avoided while taking Xanax, especially in seniors.

You should also not use Xanax with other anti-depressant drugs at the same time.

Drugs that are in the following groups should be avoided when you’re on Xanax, this is to prevent any possible interaction and bad effects.

  • Anxiolytics/sedative
  • Antipsychotics
  • Anesthetics
  • Hypnotics
  • antihistamines
  • Opioids
  • Anticonvulsants
  • Other antidepressants



Xanax, also referred to as alprazolam sleeping pill or drug is an antidepressant that’s often used orally in tablet form to deal with stress, anxiety, and depression.

It is also used to treat the symptoms of these conditions but should be used with caution and strictly on your physician’s directive.

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